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The GOLDREG System: Frequently Asked Questions

What is "View Only Goldreg ID"?

You may give your client 'read only' access to your Attendee Alpha List in GoldReg. A separate GoldReg ID must be created for this user. You have two options for creating a new account for you client:
  • Have your client create a New PRIMARY account
  • Create a SECONDARY account under your PRIMARY account

After the account is created, the client may log in to GoldReg and will only see the Published link for your GoldReg Meeting. Access will be restricted to the Attendee Alpha List with VIEW only access. They will not be able to update any saved registrant information and private information, such as Credit Card Number, will be in xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1234 format.

Note: You MUST contact ISIS if you turn this feature on. There is a manual process that is needed for this feature to work.

Need more help? Contact ISIS Corp. at 201-337-8115 ext.19 for support or E-mail