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The GOLDREG System: Frequently Asked Questions

Create a Meeting?

Go to "My Meetings" by clicking the "Build/Review Regsite". My Meetings is you home page for GoldReg and your starting point for all services. To create a new meeting, click the link "Add New Meeting" You will be brought to the Meeting Setup Templates where you will create your meeting.

You may also update existing meetings. In the Column "Meeting Name" you will see the name of your existing meetings as a link. This link will open your Meeting Setup for that meeting.

To access the Administration site for that meeting, the column "Status" will provide a link to take you to the Admin. piece of your meeting. Admin is where you can view online reports, download data, edit existing registrations, etc...

"Meeting Dates" will remind you when your site will open (S) Start, close (E) End, and be archived (A) Archived. The site will display a "Site Closed" page before the open date and after the closed date. This will prevent registrations from being entered while the registration process is closed. You may still administer the registration page through the Admin. utility.

Need more help? Contact ISIS Corp. at 201-337-8115 ext.19 for support or E-mail